Rejection is Redirection

Are you feeling angry or upset about things not going right in your life? Or perhaps even mad at God for him not delivering the things you continue to pray for. Questions upon questions stumble in your head and you are now feeling confused if He’s even listening to you.

Well, let me tell you that God is always listening and always delivers. Our part is to simply obey His commands and be patient, for his timing is always right. But, how do you know when God speaks to you? This was a question I always asked myself on a daily basis, and I still do. What I do know is that it gets easier by spending time alone in  His word and constantly seeking wisdom from people of strong faith.

My time alone with God has truly helped me, not only on good times, but especially when life gets hard. I still cry from time to time when I’m feeling down, but I’m beyond grateful for the strength He continues to give me. And believe me, it’s been really hard hearing correction from Him day after day, but it has been worth every single tear drop!

My time with God usually begins with a daily devotional first thing in the morning, and I want to share parts of what I learned from the past two devotionals…

On February 27th, the devotional was titled “Don’t be Undermined,” and the scripture it focused on was, “Bad company corrupts good character.” ~1Corinthians 15:33 and it was followed by an example that made perfect sense! The writer says “You may tell yourself that bad relationships won’t hurt you, or that your good will rub off on them, but who are you kidding! If you put on white gloves, go into your back yard and pick up dirt, the dirt won’t get glovey, but the gloves will get dirty, right?”

On February 28th, the title was “Managing your anger” and the scripture it was focused on was, “Be ye angry, and sin not:let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” ~Ephesians 4:26 Anger is not a sin; but mismanaging it is! The writer states that when you get mad at someone is that it means you care!  “Neither give place to the devil” ~Ephesians 4:27 The first territory the enemy wants to take is your home, because that’s the seat of your power. Don’t let him!

Amen Amen!!! Surround yourself with people that share the same morals as you and always forgive. The bible never tells us that we will never feel angry, but it teaches us to have self-control and forgive and move on. That darn devil always wants to make his way in especially when things seem to be going just right in our lives as we seek God’s wisdom.

Before you ever just focus on a scripture and allow thoughts rush through your head, allow God’s word speak to you through doing a deeper study. It’s amazing how so many of us are willing to share scripture to just anyone, but it’s very important to do your own study and really get rooted into the word of God.

“Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.”

~2 Timothy 4:1-2

Being corrected always feels rough, but as brothers and sisters of Christ, we can help each other grow into Christ’s likeness. Being born again, taking up our cross, and dying to self is surely easier said than done. A new life with Christ is about unlearning old ways and becoming a whole new person that is far more pleasant and worth it…

Trust god, and do good 😉

2 responses to “Rejection is Redirection”

  1. Beautifully said, great post. Correction from someone or to someone can be uncomfortable, but the Word of God tells to be our brother’s keeper 1 Thessalonians 5:14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.

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    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment!

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